New Course: Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Management



We are thrilled to announce the first edition of the Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Management Course.

This course will take place from March to May 2024 at the University of Girona. The cours will consist of 150h including both lectures and individual coursework.


About the Course

Diabetes is a global health concern, affecting millions of lives every day. In this course, we delve into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its vital role in managing diabetes. Designed for engineering students, our comprehensive curriculum will equip you with the knowledge and skills to address the complex challenges faced by diabetics.

The main highlights of the course will be:

  • Explore the relevance and significance of diabetes management
  • Learn about AI approaches for diabetes management
  • Gain hands-on experience through practical exercises
  • Apply your newfound knowledge to real diabetes datasets in your final project

The Course outline:

  1. Introduction to diabetes
  2. Modeling in diabetes
  3. Supervised learning
  4. Unsupervised learning
  5. Artificial pancreas (AP) systems
  6. Reinforcement learning
  7. Explainability, ethics and data privacy in AI
  8. Faults in AP systems
  9. Course Projects

Participants who complete this course will receive an official certificate from the University.

Stay tuned, more details to come soon!

If you have any inquires do not hesitate to contact us on the following e-mail:

AI for diabetes management_flyer