DECIPHER – Distributed European Community Individual Patient Healthcare Electronic Record

(2015-2016) Reference: FP7 – 288028. European Commission. 27.830,00 €. P.I: Josep Vehí. Coordinated project (UdG, SocialDiabetes).

DECIPHER PCP is a project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research and technological development.

The aim of DECIPHER is to launch a process of pre-commercial public procurement at European level to attract the best medical technology-companies to participate in the development of a mobile solution to enable secure transactions to access health data of patients in the Union European beyond the scope of its borders.

The DECIPHER Consortium is formed by different institutions of the European Union: Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació sanitaries de Catalunya (Aquas) and TicSalut Foundation (Catalonia), Culminatum Innovation and VTT Technical Research Centre (Finland), ESTAV Central Ente per i Servizi Tecnico -amministrativi Area Vasta and Ancitel di Toscana (Italy), and TRUSTECH-The North West NHS Innovation Service (UK).

DECIPHER helps create interoperable applications developed on a European platform and integrated into mobile devices that allow secure access to information about prescription drug access, health emergencies or examining health outcomes and other health information.

In 2015 MICELab participated in Phase 1 of the project “Selecting Designs Solutions”, in a joint proposal with SocialDiabetes, SL., in which nine bidders were selected, obtaining funding of € 23,000.
The solution presented included the development of solutions to help patients manage chronic long-term and unforeseen episodes of health care conditions.